Οι απόψεις του ιστολογίου μπορεί να μην συμπίπτουν με τα περιεχόμενα των άρθρων -Τα δημοσιεύματα στην ιστοσελίδα μας εκφράζουν τους συγγραφείς.

Οκτωβρίου 04, 2021

Χιλιάδες Γιατροί και Επιστήμονες Ιατρικής υπογράφουν τη «Διακήρυξη της Ρώμης» σε ένδειξη διαμαρτυρίας. Εγκαινιάζουν μια νέα πλατφόρμα πληροφόρησης!

  Νίκος Κλειτσίκας

Διεθνής Συμμαχία Γιατρών και Ιατρικών Επιστημόνων

Περισσότεροι από 7.800 γιατροί και ιατροί επιστήμονες σε όλο τον κόσμο

έχουν υπογράψει τη «Διακήρυξη της Ρώμης» -μέχρι σήμερα-, για να ενημερώσουν τους πολίτες για τις θανατηφόρες συνέπειες της πρωτοφανούς συμπεριφοράς των πολιτικών και των ιατρικών αρχών για τον Covid-19.
Συμπεριφορές όπως η άρνηση της πρόσβασης ασθενών σε πρώιμη σωτήρια φροντίδα, η διατάραξη της ιερής σχέσης γιατρού-ασθενούς και η...

Οι απόψεις του ιστολογίου μπορεί να μην συμπίπτουν με τα περιεχόμενα του άρθρου
Το blog δεν ειναι κατα του εμβολιασμού

καταστολή της ανοιχτής επιστημονικής συζήτη
σης για κέρδος και δύναμη εξουσίας.
Η Διακήρυξη συντάχθηκε από γιατρούς και επιστήμονες κατά τη διάρκεια της συνόδου κορυφής Covid στη Ρώμη και βρήκε αμέσως την υποστήριξη των γιατρών σε όλο τον κόσμο.
Αυτοί οι επαγγελματίες, πολλοί από τους οποίους βρίσκονται στην πρώτη γραμμή της πανδημίας, έχουν υποστεί απειλές για τη σταδιοδρομία τους, δολοφονίες χαρακτήρων, λογοκρισία εγγράφων και επιστημονικών ερευνών, λογοκρισίες στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης, τα μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης, χειραγώγηση διαδικτυακών αποτελεσμάτων ερευνών, κλινικές δοκιμές και παρατηρήσεις ασθενών. Απαγορευμένα και στο επαγγελματικό τους ιστορικό τα επιτεύγματα ελαχιστοποιούνται-αποσιωπούνται τόσο στην ακαδημαϊκή συζήτηση όσο και στα κυρίαρχα μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης.

Ενδεικτικά... υπογράφοντες:

Dr. Ira Bernstein, co-founder, Canadian Covid Care Alliance; lecturer, Dept. of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto

Dr. Paul E. Alexander, clinical epidemiologist, former WHO-PAHO and US HHS consultant/senior Covid Pandemic advisor

Dr. Pierre Kory, critical care and pulmonary medicine specialist, former Chief of Critical Care Service and Medical Director of Trauma and Life Support Center at University of Wisconsin

Dr. Tess Lawrie, Director, The Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd; founder, British Ivermectin Recommendation Development; CEO of non-profit Ebmcsquared CiC

Dr. Héctor Carvallo, former professor of Internal Medicine, Universidad de Buenos Aires, former Director Ezeiza Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dr. Mobeen Syed, physician, computer scientist, CEO of DrBeen Corp (US), clinical consultant (Pakistan)

Dr. Paul E. Marik, professor of medicine and Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School

Dr. Flavio Cadegiani, endocrinologist & visiting professor, faculty of Floriano (FAESF); ad hoc consultant, Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa); consultant for National Commission for Incorporation of New Technologies, Devices and Drugs, Brazil, Brazil

Dr. Marc G. Wathelet, molecular biologist, innate immunology and coronavirus expert, consultant, Belgium

Dr. Eivind H. Vinjevoll, senior consultant of anesthesiology and intensive care medicine, chief medical advisor of emergency medicine, Volda, Norway

Dr. Heather Gessling, family medicine doctor in Columbia, Missouri

Dr. Mark McDonald, double board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrist, Los Angeles, California

Dr. Olufemi Emmanuel Babalola, professor of ophthalmology, IP HOD Surgery, Bingham University, Jos/Karu, Nigeria

Dr. Richard Urso, scientist, sole inventor of an FDA-approved wound healing drug, former Chief of Orbital Oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center

Dr. John Littell, family physician, with practices in Kissimmee and Ocala, Florida

Dr. Ryan Cole, board-certified pathologist, CEO of Cole Diagnostics, Boise, Idaho

Dr. Brian Tyson, family medicine doctor, Urgent Care Covid Clinic, Imperial Valley, California

Prof. Andrea G. Stramezzi, Italy

Dr. Zsuszanna Ragó, specialist in coronavirus, primary care; IVERCOV project leader, University of Debrecen, Hungary

Dr. Robert W. Malone, gene therapy, bio-defense, vaccines and immunology; discoverer of in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection and architect of mRNA vaccine platform

Dr. Jean-Jacques Rajter, critical care, pulmonary medicine, sleep medicine

Dr. Wong Ang Peng, Malaysian Alliance for Effective Covid Control (MAECC)

Dr. Peter McCullough, clinical cardiologist, preventive cardiology and advanced lipidology, former vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center

Dr. Jose Iglesias, associate professor, Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, virology, vaccine R&D, former Sr Ebola Program Manager, Global Alliance for Vaccines & Immunization (GAVI), former Head of Vaccine Development Office, German Center for Infection Research

Dr. Catherine L. Lawson, research professor, Institute for Quantitative Biomedicine, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey

Dr. Barton Lane, emeritus professor of diagnostic radiology, Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, California

Dr. Claudio Saliba de Avelar, medical coordinator, Espaço Mulher, Pardini Institute, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Dr. Claudia Chaufan, professor, Health Policy and Global Health, York University, Toronto

Dr. Gregory Dembo, director of Transplant Anesthesia, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, Washington

Dr. Panayiotis A. Ellinas, family medicine, former US Army Lt Colonel and Army Surgeon General Subject Matter Expert in preventive medicine

Dr. Brian J. Koos, maternal and fetal medicine, UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, California

Dr. Giovanni Frajese, endocrinology and cancer research; associate professor, Applied Medical Technical Sciences, University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Rome, Italy

Dr. Eric Wargotz, Clinical Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, the George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, DC

Dr. Phillip Sirota, Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Phoenix, Arizona

Dr. Donald W. Miller, retired Professor Emeritus of Surgery, former Chief of Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington

Dr. Xiaoxu Lin, former microbiologist, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Viral Diseases Branch, former in-theater infectious diseases surveillance lab head, US Army

Dr. R. Duane Cook, thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon, University of Florida Health

Dr. Ming Chu Wang, Department of Anesthesia, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

Dr. Ondrej Halgas, biomedical researcher, University of Toronto, Canada

Dr. Mark Kreimer, board certified emergency medicine physician, Brooklyn, New York

Dr. Ram Duriseti, clinical associate professor, Stanford University Division of Emergency Medicine, Palo Alto, California

Dr. Kraig Lage, diagnostic radiology, University Of Missouri HealthCare, Columbia, Missouri

Dr. Annie L. Emmick, board certified pediatric specialist, Northwestern Medicine, Illinois

Dr. Mario Beauregard, neuroscientist, Department of Psychology, University of Arizona

Dr. Brent Stewart, Emeritus Professor, Diagnostic Physics, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington

Dr. Andrei N. Tchernitchin, director of Laboratory of Experimental Endocrinology and Environmental Pathology ICBM, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile

Dr Simon J Thornley, public health physician, lecturer and researcher in epidemiology and biostatistics, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Dr. Spiro P. Pantazatos, Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurobiology (Psychiatry) at Columbia University, research scientist at New York State Psychiatric Institute

Dr. Marialuisa Partisani, deputy head, general medicine, HIV infection care center, Hopitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, France

Professor Fernando Nobre, Médical School University of Lisbon; founder and President of AMI (International Medical Assistance Foundation); recipient of the Légion d‘Honneur

Dr. Allesandro Santin, professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences, Yale School of Medicine; Disease Aligned Research team leader, Yale Cancer Center

Dr. Marie Kuffner, former professor of clinical anesthesiology and former chief of staff, UCLA Medical Center; past president of the California Medical Association

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* Διαβάστε τη Διακήρυξη: ΕΔΩ


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μονολογεί ο Δανός πρίγκηπας Άμλετ...
Ουίλλιαμ Σαίξπηρ, "Η Τραγική Ιστορία του Άμλετ, Πρίγκιπα της Δανιμαρκίας", 1602

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